Home / Building Codes / California / Ventura County

Ventura County, California Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Ventura County adopted and amended the California Building Standards Code by ordinance. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011).  However, the state's 2013 California Building Standards  Code was effective in California on Jan. 1, 2014. And, Cities and counties are required by state law to enforce CCR Title 24 (California Building Standards Code). Cal., Health and Safety Code § 17960

Helpful resources for Ventura County, California include the following.

Residential Building Code

Ventura County adopted a code that is yet to be identified. Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

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2022 California Residential Code (2021 IRC)(Ventura County, CA 8116-3.2 - Types of incentives.)

...requirements or architectural design requirements that exceed the minimum building standards approved by the California Building Standards Commission as provided in Part 2.5 (commencing with section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code, including, but not limited to, a reduction in setback and square footage requirements...

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: No

Ice Barrier


Ventura County had adopted and amended the 2010 California Residential Code. The County's amendments in Ordinance 4422 did not show Table R301.2(1) Geographic and Climatic Desgn Criteria for Ventura County. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011). 

The state's 2013 California Residential Code was effective in California on Jan. 1, 2014; cities and counties are required by state law to enforce the 2013 California Residential  Code. Cal., Health and Safety Code § 17960

Existing Buildings

Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.

Ventura County did not adopt Appendix J of the State's previously adopted 2010 California Residential Code. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011). 

Note that cities and counties are required by state law to enforce the 2013 California Residential Code as adopted by the State. Cal., Health and Safety Code § 17960.

Commercial Building Code

Ventura County adopted the 1996 BOCA National Building CodeYou can find a copy of the code here.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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2022 California Bldg. Code, Part 2 (2021 IBC)(Ventura County, CA Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...


Ventura County had adopted and amended the 2010 California Building Code. The County's amendments in Ordinance 4422 did not change the fire sprinkler provisions found in Chapter 9 of the State's previously adopted 2010 California Building Code. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011). 

The state's 2013 California Building Code was effective in California on Jan. 1, 2014; cities and counties are required by state law to enforce the 2013 California Building Code. Cal., Health and Safety Code § 17960





Existing Buildings

Ventura County adopted and amended the 2010 California Existing Building Code. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011). 

The state's 2013 California Existing Building Code was effective in California on Jan. 1, 2014; cities and counties are required by state law to enforce the 2013 California Existing Building Code. Cal., Health and Safety Code § 17960

The County's amendments to the State' s previously adopted 2010 California Building Code, in Ordinance 4422, did not change the Existing Structure provisions found in Chapters 34 and 34A of the 2010 California Building Code. Ventura County, Cal., Ordinance 4422 (Jan. 1, 2011). 

Other Building Codes

Ventura County adopted and amended the following codes:

2010 California Mechanical Code as amended.

2010 California Plumbing Code as amended

2010 California Electrical Code as amended

Note that cities and counties are required by state law to enforce the 2013 edition of the California codes listed above.